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사설탐정 후기 What role does a private investigator play?

The role of the detective

Private investigators handle a wide variety of cases. However, they don’t always specialize in the same way as detectives and lawyers. Let’s take a closer look at the different aspects of their work.

Case Highlights

Private investigations

You will be dealing with legal issues for individuals or organizations, including litigation, contractual issues, family issues, spousal issues, etc. You will use a variety of research methods to collect evidence and gather materials to support legal arguments.

1 .Domestic Problems and Spousal Infidelity

    Investigating a husband’s or wife’s infidelity is a major task for a detective. This can be very distressing for the individual and can lead to legal issues and divorce proceedings, so evidence is crucial. Depending on the circumstances, a detective will collect evidence such as surveillance, photos and videos, and communication records.

    2. custody issues

    If a couple is divorced, there may be a dispute over custody. Parental fitness is determined by investigating the parent’s ability to raise the child. You will collect and present evidence such as observations of the living environment, behavior, and interviews with various acquaintances.

    3. Find people

    사설탐정 후기 Detectives also work to find people. They analyze and reflect on a variety of sources, including witnesses, surveillance, tracking, records, and more, to find missing people.

    4. fraud

    Nowadays, insurance companies have a variety of investigators to conduct fraud investigations, but detectives do the same thing. They investigate accident scenes, interview witnesses, and examine various documents to help gather evidence to uncover fraud.

    5. Track your financial history

    Investigations, such as financial disputes or defaults. Financial records investigations, such as tracing bank accounts, checking records on investments, and examining real estate or business records to determine if there are hidden assets.


    The role of a private investigator is used in a wide range of areas, especially those that are beyond the reach of regular police legal professionals. As you can see above, they often deal with issues such as spousal infidelity, child custody, locating people, property and insurance fraud, etc.

    The role of detectives, which may be a little unfamiliar to the general public, is expanding and becoming more widely known as they work in all corners of society. Hiring a detective is also a great option for those who don’t have a lot of time or money to spend.


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